Intervention addict. And the repercussions.

Okay, I have another confession.  

Because I'm still nursing, I'm "forced" to sit still for at least 20 minutes 5 times per day.  And during those 20 minutes, I often find time to read. Or blog. Or sleep.  Or... Intervention.

It's a reality show that documents the life of addicts whose families then stage an intervention, hoping to get them into treatment for their disease. It's all too easy for me to sit in my big comfy, plush chair, feed Georgia, and veg in front of the computer screen for 20 minutes. 

However, my lack of motivation and laziness are (luckily!) not the point of this post.

I've watched enough Intervention to know how it all works...

The Intervention says: "I've been here since yesterday, and met with your family.  And all I see here is a bunch of people that love you like crazy, but they feel like they're loosing you.  And they want to fight to get you back.  So this is just an invitation for you to join the fight.  So they're going to say what they have to say, and then you're going to say what you have to say and then were done.  Okay?  So will you listen to them?"

You thought I was jokin' didn't you.  I seriously have the entire spiel memorized.

Warning: I am about to make a generalization.  Here is my generalization: The majority of the addicts (I would say roughly 99%) had a severely damaged childhood.  Their parents fought constantly.  Their parents were alcoholics.  Their parents showed them how to use drugs.  Their parents partied.  Their Dad never told them he loved them.  Their Mom beat them.  Their friend's parent molested them.  They were verbally abused.  They were abandoned.  Lied to.  Mistreated.  Rejected.  

Even though I've watched roughly 82,643 episodes of intervention, I am by no means an addiction specialist.  And I'm not going to pretend to be.  But what I am going to do is shine the light on a topic we all already know and  believe - how you raise your child matters!

Hug them.  Kiss them.  Squeeze them.

Discipline them! (Trust me, the easy-going-free-for-all parent's children did not fair very well at the end). "My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."
Proverbs 3:11-12

Train them.  Guide them.  Do not leave "truth" up to them to figure out, or the sinful world will eat them for supper. "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Fear the Lord.  Love the Lord.  Teach your children to do the same.

Tell them you love them.  Every moment you can!  Over and over and over and over.

Tuck them into a warm bed at night, in a safe home.  Give them security and stability.

Play with them.  Laugh with them.  Read with them.

Lay down your life for them!

Okay, fine, I'm done.  I'm off my soap box now.  But I'm just sayin' - if you've ever watched Intervention, you know the impact bad parenting can have on children.  


Okay, really, I'm done now.

I think that photo was a good ending to my rant, so let's just stop it there.  Shall we?

Good day.


The pleasure of cacao.


Guns on a homestead.