Homemade Baby Goods & Nasty Hormones.

Damn these weaning hormones.


They've gotten the better of me these last few days, much to my dear husbands dismay.

Maybe it's because I can smell fall around the corner which always makes me nostalgic... maybe it's because G-Baby's first birthday is next week... maybe it's because she's decided to wean quickly... or maybe it's just because I am an emotional brain-fart...

...but whatever it is, I am no match for it.

Fine, hormones. You win! I give up!

So instead of becoming clincally depressed over a failed mail-merge file and a rancid chicken (don't ask...), which I would (ahem...) never do, I've decided to focus my baby-blues into something productive for you.

A few extra homemade goodies for anyone out there expecting a wee-one. *Sniffle.* My wee-one is so big now, she barely needs me anymore. I pray your child still needs you drastically - for your hormones sake.

Homemade Baby Powder
This baby powder recipe is gentle, easy to assemble, and it works wonderfully. There are no harsh chemicals or fragrances, so it works on the most sensitive of babies. I rub this all over G's legs, stomach, and diaper area after her nighttime bath. It's therapeatic for all parties involved.

Step One: In a large ziploc bag, combine together:
- 1/2 cup arrowroot powder or potato starch
- 1/4 teaspoon lavender oil (or relaxing oil of your choice)

Step Two: Work the oil through with your fingers. Then, allow the bag to sit for 3-4 days so the oil can become distributed through the powder. Voila. Easy, all-natural baby powder. And it works wonderfully.

Basic Baby Oil
Simple mix together 1/4 almond oil and 10-15 drops of lavender oil (or oil of your choice....I love lavender). Another super easy alternative to store-bought baby oil. Cheap, easy, and free of any chemicals.

Diaper Rash Treatment
Truth be told, we have not had any problems with diaper rash thus far. However, when G is about to pop a tooth, I've noticed a few little red, irritated areas. This recipe for diaper rash treatment works wonderfully. I'm going to sound like a broken record here...but there are no chemicals, additives, or crazy ingredients to be found.

Mix together 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the affected areas as needed.

Baby Lotion
Use coconut oil.

How's that for a recipe.

Truly, whenever G has suffered from dry skin at all, I just rub in a generous amount of deliciously raw coconut oil. It is anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory, and does a killer job at moisturizing. Could. Not. Be. Easier.

Baby Wipes
When we're at home, we've often opted to use washrags as diaper wipes. Because we already cloth diaper, it's no extra trouble to throw a few washrags into the diaper pail and wash them with the rest of the load. I purchased organic cotton washrags, then simply stored them in a plastic tupperware and topped them off with a homemade soap mixture.

Simple mix together:
- 4 cups water
- 2 tablespoons Dr. Bronner's castile soap
- 1 tablespoon almond oil
- 2 drops tea tree oil
- 5 drops lavender oil

Then, pour this mixture over your Tupperware of washrags. These are a great and easy alternative to store-bought wipes!

Baby Shampoo/Body Wash
Castile Soap. For both.

Man, these are just getting better and better aren't they? If you've never used castile soap, you can read my post about it HERE. Castile soap is a wonderful, organic soap that is made with olive oil. It's gently, free of additives, chemicals, dyes, and fragrances, and works phenomenally on delicate baby skin & hair. I pretty much use this soap for everything. From shampoo to hand soap to household cleaning chores.

You can eliminate the need of having to buy these extra products by just keeping a few staples on hand that also serve double-duty! Coconut oil for cooking, homemade deodoranthomemade moisturizing cream, etc. and tea tree oil in your natural first aid kit! I'm not going to tell you about all the horrible things that are in popular store-bought baby items, as I promised my husband I wouldn't become "that" blogger. But what I will tell you is that these easy, frugal, and quick recipes can accomplish all you need and more.

And that's all I've got to say about that.

Not really. But my husband will probably read this...so I won't tell you that Johnson & Johnson's baby shampoo contains carcinogens.

See? I wouldn't say that, because then you'd think I was some crazy, radical, loon.

And we wouldn't want that.

Give these products a try and let me know what you think!


Pears, peace, and The Pundit's Folly.


Grilled & Stuffed Portabellas. And the river.