The Stink Face.

Though I'm not quite sure where she learned it, our daughter has mastered what we affectionately call "The Stink Face".


Nose scrunches.  Lips pucker.  Eyes glare.

Adorable, right? least we think so.  However, we've found that while The Stink Face used to be reserved for dinner time and such, it has now made it's appearance everywhere.  At the grocery store.  In the office.  At church.

Oh look at your sweet little baby!  What a doll!

(Georgia puts on The Stink Face).

What the wrong with your child??!?!?!  God forbid!!!!  Take her away!  (The mothers yell this as they use their bodies to shield their children's eyes from the horror).

I keep telling G-baby to put her best face forward...

....and this is all I get.

Where has my sweet child gone?!

The one who used to look like this:

Ok, fine.  Baby alien is not much better than stink face.

Maybe she's a genius and this is her way of communicating that she loves me?

Maybe this is her way of telling me that there is something rancid and squishy in her diaper?

Maybe this is how she will choose to smile?

But you know what?

I love her so much that I don't even care if this is how her face is stuck for the rest of her life.

Though future love interests might.  Although, come to think of it, I'm sure that would make her protective-father quite happy...

...don't you love how things just work out!


11 Steps to Whole Foods.


Homemade Elderberry Syrup - To Your Health!