I'm not one of those wives.

In a lot of movies these days, marriage comes across more like a terminal disease than a covenental bond.  It seems that the majority of married couples are portrayed as miserable, bored, and unsatisfied.  You know the kind of couple I mean?  When the wife will look at husband, disgust strewn across her soured face, and then she tosses back the remainder of her dry martini?

Well, just for the record, I am not one of those wives.

This is my husband.  

That's right ladies, he's all mine.

And I adore him.  

As in madly in love.

Things I Love About My Husband
1.  He makes the coffee every morning.  He even hand grinds the beans.  Coffee = love.
2.  He fills our home with music.  And there is nothin' I love more than hearing him play the guitar.
3.  He calls me out when I am being emotional, dramatic, or inconsistent.  We all need an accountabil-a-buddy.
4.  He is actually pretty good at sharing the covers.
5.  He snuggles.
6.  He reads books like "Religion and American Education" and "A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes".  
7.  He let's me listen to my French Cafe radio station on Pandora.
8.  He lets me wear his socks. 
9.  He lets me daydream about having another baby and he even pretends to listen while I babble on and on about names.
10.  Sometimes, he calls me Mama.  Which makes me excited because then I remember that I am a Mama.  And then I get excited because it's because of him that I am able to be a Mama.  And then I get excited when I think about being a Mama again! (At some future date that has yet to be determined).

Dangit.  We're on the subject of babies again...aren't we?

How does this always happen?

I thought my estrogen level was supposed to go down eventually?

Be silent, uterus.


Point being this: Ladies, give you husbands an extra snuggle and smooch today.  I am deeming it the Official Elliott Homestead Love Your Husband A Little Extra Day.

And who doesn't want a little extra love?



DIY Baby Projects.


Chicken Soup. For my cold soul.