Still such an amateur.

I am such an amateur. Every once in awhile, I'll hit a lucky strike and catch a beautiful picture of my deliciously scrumptious babe.But for every wonderful photo in which I capture a moment like this:DSC_0810There are 86 uploaded to my computer that look like this:DSC_0808Oh, man. There is still so, so, so much to learn. I love my dear camera as much as my first born child - okay fine, not nearly that much. But I do still love it - it is my right-hand-companion, along with me for all of my adventures. From the start of my day until I lay down my head, it's never further than an arms reach away. It's been one of the best purchases I've ever made - seriously. And as I contemplate upgrading to a different camera, I can't help but recall how far I've come with this camera. Or even my photography in general, since I began this blog almost three years ago.It's still not where I'd quite like it to be. I'm ready to push my camera learning to the next level with this bad boy. But before I take the monetary plunge, I have to take a moment to appreciate the 'ol D70 that has seen me faithfully through these last two years.DSC_0804-001Despite photos like this, believe it or not, I have a semi-decent idea of what I'm supposed to be doing.What's that? You don't believe me?DSC_0807Fine. I wouldn't either. No judgement here.DSC_0813All I wanted was a sweet picture.


Artificial Insemination. And my dairy cow lessons.


At least the corn is growing.