Photo Submission Contest: Show Me Your...

I've been thinking about doing this series for awhile... because one of the things I love most about this blog is getting to be a part of the homesteading community that is just so dang supportive and fun. So here it is: the Show Me Your... series! Show Me Your... Reader Photograph Submission Contest! | The Elliott Homestead

Show Me Your... 

Watch out for the Show Me Your... posts! I'll pick different themes (i.e.: cows, goats, gardens, farm kids, home studs, preservation efforts, etc.) and then YOU are free to email me your best photographs of the theme! I'll sort through the photographs, choose my top picks, and then post them right here on The Elliott Homestead for our readers to vote on. The winner will receive a selection of my favorite essential oils! I can't WAIT to see the photographs of y'alls farms, animals, and lives! 

This week's theme: Show Me Your Baby Animals! 

Photograph Submission Deadline: May 26th 

Email me your photographs:, Subject Line: "Show Me Your Baby Animals"

*When you submit the photographs, please make sure they're a high resolution photograph so that the quality can carry through this world wide web. *Do you have baby ducks on the farm? How about goslings? Chicks? Calves? Kids? Kits? Lambs? Whatever the heck a baby quail is called? Whatever baby animals you have on the farm right now, I want to see them!Watch out for next week's Show Me Your Baby Animals Post and see if your photograph made my top picks! And thank you for being a part of this wonderful community of homesteaders and readers. I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for making this life colorful. 


It's my birthday.


Our Rabbitry: Why I Love Raising Rabbits For Meat