My Natural First Aid Kit

One of my goals years ago was to put together an all natural first aid kit.  Because I want to. And I can. And I've got babies to protect.

Years ago, while I attempted to sleep, I started panicking when I realized that if something happened to our brand new baby, we didn't even have a bandaid to our name. Literally. We didn't know how to do CPR on an infant. We had run out of peroxide, cold medicine, and essential oils. And now I was the worst Mom in the world because I was so unprepared. 

And then, I couldn't sleep.

The next morning, I immediately I started putting together a stash of first aid tools to have on hand around the farm. Though the products have changed a bit over the years, there are a few staples that we rely on heavily.

Because if you're ever had farm kids... well... you know how often you need this stuff.

Essential oils.  Back before I knew better, I spent a lot of time working with natural remedies for common first aid ailments that just didn't work. A decade into this journey, I've learned what's worth the investment because it works. I never go anyway (literally, anywhere) without my oils. They're in my car, my purse, my kitchen, my bedroom, my bathroom, all my kids' bedrooms, and in every backpack and bag I own. These are a few essentials that I always keep made up and on the ready. If you don't have time to make up roller balls, that's okay. Just use the oils diluted directly as needed.

  • Insect Sting Blend: 15 drops Lavender, 15 drops Frankincense, 15 drops Tea Tree in a roller ball + fractionated coconut oil
  • Breathe Blend: 20 drops Breathe oil, 15 drops Lemon oil, 10 drops Frankincense oil in a roller ball + fractionated coconut oil
  • Digestion/Stomach Upset Blend: 45 drops Digestion oil in a roller ball + fractionated coconut oil
  • Skin Blend: 15 drops Lavender, 15 drops Frankincense,
  • Owie Blend: 15 drops Lavender, 15 drops Frankincense, 15 drops Tea Tree in a roller ball + fractionated coconut oil
  • Fever Blend: 15 drops Peppermint oil, 15 drops Deep Blue oil, 15 drops Frankincense in roller ball + fractionated coconut oil
  • Immunity Blend: 45 drops OnGuard oil in a roller ball+ fractionated coconut oil

Elderberry Syrup. When a cold starts to come on, elderberry syrup can prevent the worsening of the cold. It's worth taking a dose of each day, particularly during the winter months. Taking elderberry syrup can also decrease the recovery time. We make a batch each summer when the berries arrive.

  • 4 cups fresh elderberries (or 2 cups dehydrated elderberries)
  • 8 cups water
  • 2 cups raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice

  1. Combine the elderberries and water together in a large pot. Simmer for 45 minutes. Let cool.
  2. Add in the honey, cinnamon, and allspice. Stir to combine.
  3. Bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Bandages, Gauze, and Tape.


Heating Pad.

Ice Packs.

Epsom Salt. For achy muscles, nothing beats soaking in a epsom salt bath.  It soothes soreness, inflammation, and fatigue.

Echinacea Tincture. When a cold takes hold, it's good to have this tincture on hand. It is made by combining leaves, flowers, and roots of the echinacea plant with vodka in a glass jar and letting it infuse for a few months. The tincture should be stored where it is dark and away from sunlight. To administer, add a tablespoon of tincture into a warm cup of water with a teaspoon of honey and sip.

Ginger Drops. I keep these on hand at all times (even in my purse) for upset stomaches and nausea.

Breathe Drops. I keep these on hand at all times too for respiratory issues.

If you'd prefer to get your first aid kit built in one swoop, check out this custom cart of items that I made just for you.

Now, because we're well stocked and well prepared, this mothering-worrying-stuff doesn't have to keep us awake at night quite as much.

Which is great news, because I want to sleep. And Amen.


Life Snippets


I don't know anything.