Family Table Is Shipping: HERE WE GO!

I'm floored.And by floored, I mean I'm currently laying on the floor, soothing my aching bones from the exhaustion that has joyfully consumed my body. 5,000 copies of Family Table are currently sitting in my God-forsaken basement awaiting their destiny on your kitchen counter! The book is done. The book is here. The book is for sale. The book is being shipped! HERE WE GO!Cookbooks ready to be mailed! What began as but a dream a lifetime ago has manifested into something so beautiful, so productive, so me, I could just cry. In fact, I did. Sometimes, a girls just gotta get it out. You see, I belong to a group of people called the dreamers. I know it's not for everyone... and certainly not everyone shares the same sorts of dreams that I do. But I can't help myself, my brain is just wired this way. I've tried to control it and harness the madness. But at the end of the day, when I lay down to bed at night, I dream. This cookbook began that very way. Over six years into this blog and I've yet to tire of sharing my love for food and fellowship with you all. Food is what fuels our lives... keeps us capable of work and love... and nourishes our bodies. But much of our culture has given up on food. They've given up on the promise that food can be nourishing and delicious and possible. Not this girl. She's fighting the fight. Which is why I'm so overjoyed to be delivering Family Table (finally!) to your kitchen. Notice the bags under my eyes and the perma-wrinkle on my forehead. Fighting comes at a cost (read: my youth!).Family Table Cookbook is shipping! | The Elliott HomesteadThis project is not certainly my own to claim. There is an army of people by my side that have worked faithfully and gone out of their way to help my dream come true. That takes selflessness, dedication, and passion. Bob Morris of Story Farm has gone out on a limb to support us in our efforts. He hired a wonderful crew of professionals (Jason and Veronica) to help us manifest our thoughts and dreams into a tangible book far beyond what I could have imagined. It got gritty, the edits were tedious, but we did it! Yay for team work and people who actually know what they're doing. Since the final stages of our project, Veronica has since gone to be with the Lord. Family Table was the last project that she worked on in her professional career and I am humbled, and honored, that this book bares her name. It would not have become the work that it is without her input, guiding hands, and expertise. Thank you, Story Farm Team.Over 300 of our friends and readers have taken it upon themselves to join our Facebook Launch Team and help us spread the word of Family Table's release. They've shared on social media, shared with their friends, and even made recipes from the book to support us. They're joy in the project gives me great passion to keep marching on - a huge thank you to those of you who have helps us to get this far.Preparing cookbooks for mailing... it's better with caffeine. My husband and kids (and parents)... who have spent the better part of a year encouraging and helping me as I slaved over the book. And who have spent the last three nights opening boxes, stacking books, stuffing envelopes, stamping, and labeling. Never a murmur of complaint. Not even one! Even when the 11 pallets of books arrived at our doorstep and needed to be unloaded before the night's end. Labeling cookbooks for mailingThis is it. The books are being sent out. 5,000 copies ordered. Almost 1,000 already belong to readers, friends, and family. There is still so much delicious goodness to be spread! Family Table, you son of a gun, I love ya. I love that you're already on my kitchen counter and being flipped through on a daily basis. I love that you're a reflection of our life at Beatha Fonn and beyond. I love that you're now being shipped from our new cottage, our first home, where new food and flavors are being created as we speak! Also. A few random books were colored by a certain six year old who took it upon herself to decorate the envelopes. Free of charge.A few random drawings by Georgia on the cookbook packagesTHANK YOU all for being here, my friends! I fervently pray that this book would be a blessing to your own Family Table!

You can snag your signed copy HERE. (Don't forget, with your order you'll also get our Whole Foods Kitchen Course for free!)


Coffee with my friend.


Don't remind me of her.