Easy Homemade Einkorn Cornbread

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In the process of launching my cookbook and preparing the Whole Food Kitchen Course, I'll admit, I got a little side tracked. I wasn't menu planning. I wasn't batch cooking. I wasn't doing any sort of prep work. Instead, I'd hang my head in the fridge at about 4:45 and start crying out to God:


Then I'd pour a glass of wine, pick at my cuticles, and contemplate where I went wrong with my life.

So after another come to Jesus meeting with myself about the state of our home, family, and how it all functions, I busted out my most inspiring cookbooks and heavily planned the food for the days ahead. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Or so I'm told.

We spent Saturday morning walking around the Farmers Market, where I happily purchased plums, a gigantic box of pears, four loaves of bread, and some bell peppers (I've already harvested all of mine!). I then went to the regular store where I restocked on cacoa powder, salt, cheese, oats, dried cranberries, nuts, tea, and (of course) bananas. Last but not least: corn meal and polenta. 

I waddled home from the grocery store, arms full of bags, and threw it all onto the kitchen floor. I felt so empowered! I had a plan. I knew what I was going to do for the entire week ahead! But... I was hungry at that moment...

So I grabbed a banana. And then I grabbed my cornmeal. I wanted corn bread, dripping in melted butter and honey. Because... well... butter and honey.

It took me all of five minutes to whip together this einkorn cornbread and was golden and fragrant by the time the groceries were finished being unpacked. I ate three pieces, Stuart and two, Georgia ate four, and the boys ate half of theirs before the dog snatched the remainder out of their hands.

I'll still count it as a culinary victory. 

I used einkorn flour because it's my favorite and suits itself extremely well to this crumbly, golden, buttery recipe. But a sprouted flour, whole grain flour, or organic all-purpose flour would be an easy substitute.

Einkorn Cornbread | The Elliott Homestead

Homemade Einkorn Cornbread

You will need:

 - 1 cup organic cornmeal

 - 1 cup einkorn flour

 - 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

 - 3 teaspoons baking powder

 - 1 tablespoon maple syrup

 - 1 egg

 - 1 cup milk

 - 1/3 cup melted butter 

Einkorn flour makes delicious cornbread!

Combine the cornmeal, flour, sea salt, and baking powder together in a bowl. Start to get excited about all the delicious cornbread that is about to consumed. 

farm fresh eggs for einkorn cornbread

In a separate bowl, combine the maple syrup, egg, milk, and melted butter. Whole cane sugar or honey would also work fine here if maple syrup ain't your thing. Ah, who am I kidding, maple syrup should be everyone's thing. Hello! It's maple syrup!

Always mix dry and wet ingredients separately

Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and gently whisk to combine. Don't overmix, baby. That'll affect the crumb of the cornbread and as all cornbread connoisseurs know, the crumb is a very important factor. 

Pour into a greased 8'' pan. Mo butter, mo better. 

Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for 18-20 minutes, until golden and gently browned on the top. 

Easy homemade cornbread with maple syrup and einkorn flour!

Can I be just super honest and tell you something about myself? See that piece of cornbread in the picture above? See how one corner of it is rounded? Know why that is?

Because it's the corner piece and from now until I die, I shall always choose the corner piece of something if I have the option to. Cornbread. Brownies. Souffle. Corner piece 4 life.

I know you enjoy this einkorn cornbread as much as we do! I've already made several batches... one shan't ever be too long without it.

And Amen.

Easy Homemade Einkorn Cornbread

  • 1 cup organic cornmeal

  • 1 cup einkorn flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 3 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup

  • 1 egg

  • 1 cup milk

  • 1/3 cup melted butter

  1. Combine the cornmeal, flour, sea salt, and baking powder together in a bowl.

  2. In a separate bowl, combine the maple syrup, egg, milk, and melted butter.

  3. Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and gently whisk to combine. Don’t overmix, baby.

  4. Pour into a greased 8” pan.

  5. Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for 18-20 minutes, until golden and gently browned on the top.


The Vital Few: What the heck am I trying to do?


Coffee with my friend.