Essential Oils For Chickenpox.

You know what's fun? All your kids getting the chickenpox. You know what's even more fun? Getting the shingles yourself and then actually giving all your kids the chickenpox. Whoop! We sure know how to par-tay here on the farm. Luckily, we're able to lay low as needed (hello, the cow is dry!) and our bathroom cabinet is always filled to the brim with essential oils. And YES - there are essential oils for chickenpox.But I've gotten ahead of myself.Stuart | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Should we go back to the beginning? When I told Stuart (pictured above, obviously) that I was allergic to my bra and that I would, for the foreseeable future, no longer be a woman who wore a bra. After a few decades of the habit, it took a bit to get used to, but after a few days, I became quite accustomed to my free-flowing ways. I'm free! I'm free! Wait... wait a second... I'm also extremely itchy and irritated.I called my friend Christy."Hey girl. I think I'm allergic to my bra. I've got this horrible shooting nerve pain and rash where my bra is. Is that a thing?""Hey girl. Maybe. Send me a pic."Christy gets an up-close-and-personal photograph."Hmm. I'm not sure. It could be fungal but that probably wouldn't be painful."Flash forward three days."Hey girl. I'm dying. I'm dying of leprosy. Know I love you. Also, I'm going to text you an updated picture so you can see the leprosy. K bye."Christy gets an up-close-and-personal photograph of my leprosy."Hey girl. Actually, that's not leprosy. It's shingles.""Shingles? What are shingles? Aren't they something old men who are bedridden get? I'm not old! I'm not sick! I'm not even stressed!"I spent the better part of the next two weeks dealing with some of the most intense and sharp pain I'd ever experienced. If you've never had shingles - God has blessed you, my child. If you have, then you know the pain I'm talking about. It's horrific.Kids on the farm | The Elliott Homestead (.com)But this post isn't about the amount of horrific pain I endured as a result of the shingles (did I mention it was horrific?) but rather, it's about the fact that shingles is a manifestation of the chickenpox virus and - turns out - is actually contagious to those who haven't had the chickenpox previous. Like, you know, my FOUR CHILDREN.It took a few weeks to incubate, but contagious it was and infected they became. Bummer. The first spot appeared on Good Friday and we're still facing the last of the spots. That's a heck of a stretch of time devoted to lotioning and potioning it up with essential oils. Thankfully there are essential oils for chickenpox and they offer an effective treatment for its symptoms.Ready for this: my kids never once complained about the itching. Hallelujah! It took a bit of trial and error to get the oils right, but luckily I had many opportunities to practice.Using essential oils for chickenpox | The Elliott Homestead (.com)

Essential Oils For Chickenpox

Essential oils are multifaceted and can help to manage and alleviate many of the symptoms associated with chickenpox. Melaleuca, for example, is helpful in relieving temporary itching. Lavender soothes and calms the skin. Frankincense promotes healthy nerve function. Geranium promotes healthy skin and can calm the red, irritated skin lesions associated with chickenpox. And of course, coconut oil works all the magic as well.Essential Oils For Chickenpox | The Elliott Homestead (.com)Essential Oils For Chickenpox Salve: - 1 cup coconut oil- 10 drops geranium oil- 10 drops lavender oil- 10 drops frankincense oil- 5 drops melaleuca oil- 5 drops cedarwood oilI smeared my little people with the salve as often as they'd let me, at the very least, every couple of hours. About ten minutes after it's application, you could almost see their irritation dissolve. Soon, they were off playing and causing havoc as normal. Truthfully, the only major bummer of the kids having the chickenpox was having to miss so many special social obligations because of the fear of spreading it to others. Other than that, we had a grand old time hanging out on the farm, tending to the gardens as a family, and raising chicks on our kitchen counter.Natural remedies for chickenpox | The Elliott Homestead (.com)They're now recovered and the last of the spots are fading. I'm continuing to apply the chickenpox salve while they recover to promote healthy skin where the lesions once were.Lesions is a gross word. Gross. Chickenpox sounds cute. Lesion sounds nasty. I promise I won't say it again.What I will say again is this - get some essential oils already.And Amen.


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