Essential Oils For Skincare.

"That's totally uncharacteristic of a homesteader.", a neighbor stated."To what?", I replied."To garden in red lipstick.", he boldly proclaimed."Says who?", I laughed back.I've never been one for stereotypes and while I may get dirty in the garden, spend my afternoons making cheese over the stove, and milk a cow each morning, I still take all manner of pleasure in caring for my physical appearance. Red lipstick included. Who says farmgirls have to be unkept? I wax my eyebrows. Wear eyelashes.Shave my legs. Use clean makeup. And I utilize essential oils for skincare.I was blown away by an article I recently read on the toxicity level of "America's number one skincare line". You know, the one you've been sold on Facebook? HOLY COW. I could hardly believe what I read. But luckily you don't have to take my word for it (and I don't have to do all the research) - just check out the EWG website for ratings on such skincare options.This fancy farmgirl isn't here to tell you about how horrible skincare is in America. Rather, I'm going to offer you a non-toxic alternative with essential oils. And trust me - skincare MATTERS to me. I wouldn't use a product if it didn't work because I'm in love with healthy skin. I have no desire to look like a seventeen-year-old again. My goal is not to avoid wrinkles until I'm dead. Rather, my goal is to have healthy, vibrant skin. Can we get over our obsession with youth for just a few minutes so we can focus on something so much more important? Health!Lucky for you that doesn't have to mean bad skincare. Quite the contrary, in fact. A large portion of our skin is developed by what we put into our bodies. Good food, good air, good sleep are essential. The time in my life when I struggled with acne the worst was when my lifestyle was far from healthy. Go figure!Another large portion of our skin's wellness is managed by what we actually put on our skin. Our skin is responsive to lotions, potions, and salves as it slurps up all they have to offer (for good or for bad). Let's make it good - yeah? Rather than cover all the oils that can improve your skin - and the list is vast - I'm going to instead walk you through my daily skincare routine and show you exactly which products I utilize. Because they're what I know and love! Plus I'm sure you were just dying to see a few photographs of me with no makeup on - right? I thought so. 

Essential oils for skincare.

Morning Routine: 

Activated Charcoal Soap: This is a bar made of activated charcoal and tallow. About as basic as they come, but certainly not simplistic in its ability to clean dirty skin. Because I don't wear makeup to bed, this offers a nice and light cleaning to start the day.dōTERRA Verage Serum: An entirely plant and resin-based serum that feeds your skin such goodness, it won't know what to do with all of it! It smooths your skin, reduces redness, feeds your skin cells, and hydrates to promote vibrant, glowing skin. This serum utilizes Frankincense, Lavender, Hawaiin Sandalwood, Myrrh, Helichrysum, and Rose essential oils. skincare skincare  

Nighttime Routine:

dōTERRA Invigorating Scrub: To wash away the sins of the day, I pull out this scrub - I love it! It utilizes grapefruit and peppermint oils to leave a cool, refreshing vibe to your skin. I massage it into my skin for one minute and wash it away with a body washcloth. dōTERRA Verage Serum: See above.dōTERRA Eye Cream: Come on, y'all. I've got four kids. I know what dark circles and puffy, sleepless eyes look like. I inherited them circa 2010 when my first was born. Each night, I use this super-quick eye cream under my eyes each night to promote hydration and health. It utilizes Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, and Blue Tansy oils to improve firmness and tone of the under eye skin. Blue Tansy and Frankincense Oil: If there weren't enough in the eye cream, I also add these oils onto my entire face at night! I add a drop each into my Verage Serum and rub it all in together. Blue Tansy reduces blemishes and promotes a smooth skin surface. Frankincense rebuilds healthy skin cells and helps to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. skincare skincare  

Special Routine:

Reveal Facial System (3x/week): A strong exfoliating system that utilizes bamboo beads to seriously scrub away pollution, dirt, dead skin cells, and makeup build up - not that we need that or anything. Ahem. This is my "mini-facial" in a bottle and is something I very much look forward to each time I use it. Detoxifying Mud Mask (3x/week): My secret is now out - I take a bath almost every night. Most of the time it's far too late, but it's the only time the kids are finally asleep. Half of those nights I plaster my skin in this detoxifying mud mask and sink low into the hot water to read a magazine. It's totally dreamy.skincare skincare  

Special Products:

Immortelle Blend (as needed): I use this bad-boy on the wrinkle between my eyebrows. I've heard I scowl too much... HD Clear Blend (as needed): Once in a blue moon, I get a blemish or irritation. This essential oil blend works perfectly as a spot-treatment for those more acne prone areas.Norwex Body Cloth: I love this rag! It helps to scrub the skin clean. I'm never without it.

You can order any of these products here. Simply select 'Wholesale Customer' and add whatever products you'd like to your cart.

The amount you purchase totally up to you. No minimums and no requirements EVER. Use this membership just like you use your Costco membership - as much or as little as you'd like. I know that skincare is deeply personal and each of us is dealing with different issues. But guess what? All of these products can be utilized and beneficial no matter what your skincare concern. Oily? Dry? Red and irritated? Wrinkly? Blemished? Uneven tone? Doesn't matter. And it's all entirely non-toxic.That means you don't have to worry about if your skincare products are disrupting your hormones. Because many skincare products do that.It also means you don't have to worry about if your skincare products are actually contributing to the growth of cancer. Because ingredients found in common skincare products have been known to do that too.We work hard to enjoy wellness and health here on the homestead. Essential oils for skincare are simply one more piece of the puzzle. I hope you enjoy!And Amen. 


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