Sometimes Dreams Come True
I’ve had this dream, for years now… long enough that it’s detailed and vivid and delicious. Imagine with me:
You’re the good kind of weary as you exit the train—perhaps your first time riding one, no? Luggage in hand, you make your way to the entrance of the station. A kind-faced driver is there to greet you. He grabs your luggage, stashes it in the back of the van, and begins to drive up, up, up to a hilltop village nestled right in the heart of Italy. Rolling green hills surround you, and the air smells different, but somehow familiar. This looks different than home.
You arrive at the doorstep of the villa. Wow. She’s beautiful. Your luggage is quickly whisked away to your bedroom, with windows that open to the wild Italian countryside. Breathe in, breathe out. The light has a different hue here… is it golden? Beautiful bedding calls you in after your journey, but you resist the temptation to curl up in the lush comfort.
Instead, you freshen up in your private bathroom, and re-emerge with a renewed energy. There’s so much beauty to see in this villa. So much history to explore, people to meet, food to devour. Upon your re-emergence, you’re met with a glass of Prosecco (you are in Italy after all) and a tray of apertivo. “Come, sit,” new friends say. “Tell us your story.”
A nibble here and a sip there will tide you over nicely until the welcome dinner in a few hours —catered by a local Umbrian chef, who instinctively puts together dishes of local, in-season ingredients. Everything on your plate looks and smells delicious. And guess what? You don’t even have to do the dishes. After a day of travel, you can finally rest and refresh. It’s all been taken care of for you.
Now rinse and repeat for dayyyyyyys.
Eventually, you leave the villa. After all, there’s much to enjoy together in the small, walkable village. Truffle hunting in the Umbrian forest, “pasta fatta a mano” to shape, vegetable gardens to tour, wines to taste, restaurants to visit, pizza to enjoy… and in your free time, perhaps even a bit of shopping or exploring to account for.
Italy is even more delicious and beautiful than you’d imagined.
Perhaps by now you’ve realized that this isn’t just a dream… this is going to be reality for ten of you this fall:
This is your personal invitation from me to join Stuart and I as we celebrate 15 years of The Elliott Homestead with our first-ever Che Vita Getaway in Umbria, Italy this coming October.
Our goal here on our small homestead has always been to cultivate the beautiful life. We will be doing just that, but in the place that taught me how to do it best: Italy! Che Vita - what a life!
All you need to do is get there. Let Stuart and I take care of the rest.
You can learn more about the trip, including dates and pricing, right here.
My family is spending the month of March in Umbria to prepare for the getaway, and I’m making final preparations. As I tuck the final piece into my suitcase, I smile thinking of all there is to do in the coming weeks in Italy. I have drivers to meet, lunches to arrange, cafes to critique, food to taste, and trails to explore — all so we can give you the very best experience that Umbria has to offer.
PS: Our villa hosts five couples/duos — three of those spots are already spoken for, which means just two rooms remain for this special trip together.